Glowing Blue Lenses Imperial Fists

Glowing Blue Lenses Imperial Fists

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  • Published
    30 Jan 2025
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Recipe from Richard Gray

  1. [Optional] Base coat lenses with Black if they are not already.
  2. Layer Sotek Green covering most of the lenses towards the front. Make sure not to paint over black in the recesses.
  3. Glaze Sotek Green half way up facemask towards lenses.
  4. Glaze Sotek Green quarter the way up facemask towards lenses.
  5. Layer Sotek Green with Golden HBA White about half way towards the front.
  6. Edge highlight the bottom rim on the face mask with previous mix.
  7. Tight highlight with Sotek Green with Golden HBA White including more white then previous layer. Should be near white.