Blue Camo for vehicles, crates, artillary...
- Base coat model in Blue Black
- Using a sponge randomly apply a mixture of Blue Black & Light Neutral Grey in a 1:1 ratio.
- Using a sponge randomly apply a mixture of Payne's Grey & Light Neutral Grey in a 1:3 ratio.
- Re-apply Blue Black with a sponge to break up large areas of a single color.
- Using a spong apply a very light random patterns of a mixture of Grey Blue & Light Neutral Grey in a 1:1 ratio. This shoule cover less than 1/4 of the total surface and should not have any large blocks of color.
- Using a sponge apply a mixture of Drakenhof Nightshade , Nuln Oil , and water in a 1:1:3 ratio to create additional interest in the flat areas of the model.
- Base coat all metallic surfaces with Coal Black .
- Seal model with matte varnish of your choice.
Steel metal components.
- Apply Steel & Gloss Metal Varnish in a 4:1 ratio to all metallic components taking care to not spill over onto camo patterns.
- Highlight metalic portions with Duraluminum & Gloss Metal Varnish in a 4 : 1 ratio, to pick out the upper highlights.
- Apply Copper to all components that would be mobile, ie joint bushings, piston rings, nuts & bolts in fasteners.
- Apply Molotov chrome to all the piston arms that would slide into the bearing housing.
Weathering and pigments