Purple and Brass Defiler

Purple and Brass Defiler

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  • Published
    26 Sep 2020
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Reminder for future vehicles

  1. Primer. Rust-Oleum Ultra Cover Flat Black, decanted, thinned qnd applied by airbrush.
  2. Microscale Micro Gloss barnish applied by airbrush to the metal parts.
  3. Trim. Alclad II Polished Brass 109
  4. Claws, joints, scourge. Alclad II Dark Aluminum 103
  5. Hooks, scourge tips, pistons. Alclad II Chrome 107
  6. Hexed Lichen for the armour. It's very transparent so it won't cover the black and the metallic underneath will show.
  7. Black + Smokey Ink in a 2:1 proportion for the rest of the model.
  8. Tubes German Grey add lights with Neutral Grey
  9. Nuln Oil Gloss tubes, scourge, gears...
  10. Oily Steel drybrush, used freely.