Veil on Scinari Cathallar

Veil on Scinari Cathallar

  • Written by
  • Published
    15 Oct 2020
  • Shareable URL



  1. Mix Scarlet Red + Dark Prussian Blue to a dark Violett


  1. Bugman's Glow

First Highlight


  1. Scarlet Red except the deepest red recesses


  1. Mix Bugman's Glow + Kislev Flesh where the Veil sticks to her skin

Second Highlight


  1. Mix Scarlet Red + Mephiston Red on the highest Parts of the First Highlight


  1. Kislev Flesh on the highest Parts of the First Highlight

Third Highlight


  1. Mephiston Red on the highest Parts of the Second Highlight

Glazing the Face

  1. Scarlet Red

First Highlight of the Veil on her Face

  1. Mix Scarlet Red + Mephiston Red

Second Highlight of the Veil on her Face

  1. Mephiston Red on the highest Parts

Picking out The Lips

  1. Dark Prussian Blue
Citadel Painting System 3
Base 2
  • Bugman's Glow
  • Mephiston Red
Layer 1
  • Kislev Flesh
Vallejo Game Color
Base 1
  • 72.012 Scarlet Red
Vallejo Model Color
Base 1
  • 70.899 Dark Prussian Blue
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