- basecoat with Averland Sunset
- Shade with Casandora Yellow
- Glaze Yriel Yellow towards the highlights
- Glaze 50/50 Yriel Yellow and Flash Gitz Yellow onto the top 2/3rd of the highlight
- Glaze Flash Gitz Yellow onto the top 1/3rd of the highlight
- Glaze Skrag Brown into the shadows covering parts of the Yriel Yellow highlight
- Glaze Doombull Brown into the deeper shadows
- Glaze all the shadows with diluted Pink Horror
- Edge highlight everything with Flash Gitz Yellow
- Edge highlight the raised edges with 2:1 Flash Gitz Yellow and White Scar
- Fine edge highlight with 2:1 White Scar and Flash Gitz Yellow , also use this to paint scratches on the armour
Other recipes by Zmulburr