Drybrush with Straken Green . Be quite heavy handed, this step is to add texture.
Recess shade with a dark brown. I did a pin was of Winton Vandyke brown oil paint, but the colour is close to Agrax Earthshade .
Thin edge highlight of Nurgling Green , everywhere you can.
Gold Decoration
Basecoat the eagle with Vallejo Metal Colour Gold . You could use Liberator Goldnifnyoubare sticking to GW paints.
Wash the gold metallics with Darkoath Flesh . Drag the brush against the edges to ensure it gathers in the recesses.
Use White Aluminum (or Stormhost Silver) to highlight the light edges. Use the edge of your brush and drag it towards points to get a slight transition.
There are hinges on the back of these crates. If you have the energy, they look nice blocking in with Leadbelcher .