Lady Of Strife

  • Written by
  • Published
    02 Dec 2021
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  1. base coat Hull Red
  2. leaving the Hull Red as the shadows, use Violet as the primary color of the skin
  3. use Magenta as the highlight, and mix in some magenta ink to bring the brightness/saturation up

Gold Armor

  1. Black
  2. Satin black from Mig
  3. Abaddon Black
  4. Flat Brown
  5. Dark Yellow
  6. Desert Yellow
  7. Gold Brown
  8. Griffon Tan
  9. Beige
  10. Averland Sunset
  11. Flat Yellow
  12. Sol Yellow
  13. Yriel Yellow
  14. Flash Gitz Yellow
  15. White

Better NMM Gold

I found that this NMM Gold is easier to do, especially when doing on non standard metallic surfaces, IE an organic shape vs power armor. It's also a warmer gold vs a tan / antique gold

  1. prime in Abaddon Black or another black
  2. base coat in Terracotta , the bottle I have has an almost worn out label, I think I'm using Terracotta
  3. give it a Game color Sepia ink wash, water it down a bit, maybe 1:5, 1:4
  4. mix some of the Sepia Ink with Troll Slayer Orange 1:1 or 1:2. Just enough to knock down the orange for a transition. Start painting where light would bounce off
  5. do another layer of Troll Slayer Orange hitting the same spots as before but leave some of the previous step, we want a nice transition
  6. do another layer of Flash Gitz Yellow , nice smooth transitions, if you cant its fine.
  7. give a nice smooth coat of Yellow Ink I used vallejo game ink, but there isnt an option for it. after the first coat, do another finishing your brush strokes where you had the Flash Gitz Yellow this ink should tie everything together
  8. do another highlight of Flat Yellow :
  9. a final highlight of Ice Yellow
  10. a spectral highlight of Gloss White only at the highest points, try to create lines of highlights
Citadel Painting System 5
Base 2
  • Abaddon Black
  • Averland Sunset
Layer 3
  • Flash Gitz Yellow
  • Troll Slayer Orange
  • Yriel Yellow
Formula P3
Ink 1
  • Yellow Ink
Reaper Master Series
High density 1
  • 29827 Griffon Tan
Scale75 Scalecolor
Scalecolor 1
  • SC-40 Sol Yellow
Vallejo Game Color
Base 2
  • 72.063 Desert Yellow
  • 72.065 Terracotta
Vallejo Model Color
Base 12
  • 70.842 Gloss White
  • 70.858 Ice Yellow
  • 70.877 Gold Brown
  • 70.917 Beige
  • 70.945 Magenta
  • 70.950 Black
  • 70.951 White
  • 70.953 Flat Yellow
  • 70.960 Violet
  • 70.978 Dark Yellow
  • 70.984 Flat Brown
  • 70.985 Hull Red
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