Emperor's Children - Grimdark Style

WIP Tutorial

Emperor's Children - Grimdark Style

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  • Published
    12 Aug 2022
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I will add more pictures when I go with the next mini.

  1. If you have airbrush use black primer on the whole mini. Then use white primer, apply from the top and at 45 degrees (both from Stynylrez).
  2. If you don’t have airbush then just use a white primer on the whole mini. You could use the cans, but I'm not sure about the effect.
  3. (Base) Screamer Pink - one or more armor plates. Repeat for good opacity.
  4. (Base) Abbadon Black, Administratum Grey 1:1 - top piece of the gun.
  5. (Base) Rhinox Hide - leather elements, holster, cloths, belts etc.
  6. (Base) Gunmetal Grey (Vallejo Metal Color) - other gun elements (excluding skulls and ornaments), bullet belt on the gun, shoulder pads, shoe elements, chains, sidearm, backpack vents and pipes
  7. Rear view after applying previous step.
  8. (Base) Gold, Copper (both Vallejo Metal Color) 3:1 - metal trim around armor plates, skulls, spikes, gun ornaments
  9. Rear view after applying previous step.
  10. (Rust/dirt ) Texture with Astrogranite - small patches here and there, especially in corners, lower parts of the mini, shoes, lower parts of the backpack. Add some extra standing out pieces for dirt effect. Keep the patches rather small - they will become almost black after enamel wash. Apply chunks with toothpick or brush with dabbing motion.
  11. Rear view after applying previous step.
  12. (Wash) Dark Brown Enamel (AMIG1005) - whole model, everywhere, thick layer
  13. Wait until enamel dries, I recommend 24 hours
  14. (Reduce) Remove (not fully) enamel wash with enamel thinner (AK050 or turpentine) - you can use cotton swabs or hard brush. Make the reduce pass zenithal so that surfaces that are facing upwards are "cleaner". Make is so that the bottom of the mini is "dirtier" then the top.
  15. (Weathering) Turquoise Oxide (GSW2291) - on golden trim and skulls. Apply with a little dry wool dabber. Wait until more or less dry.
  16. (Reduce) Remove the excess of Turquoise Oxide with hard brush dipped in Isopropyl Alcohol 99.9%. Be gentle to not remove the primer/base layer.
  17. (Weathering) Verdigris (GSW2290) - on pink and white panels and. Apply with a little dry wool dabber. Wait until more or less dry.
  18. (Reduce) Remove the excess of Verdigris with hard brush dipped in Isopropyl Alcohol 99.9%. Be gentle to not remove the primer/base layer.
  19. (Weathering) Rust (Dirty Down) - apply with wool dabber, let it dry on the tool (can also use kitchen paper to remove excess from the tool). Apply on the backpack, panels, armor, helm, gun, pipes. Apply on recesses and on the Astrogranite textures, also on Gunmetal painted elements.