Squig Red

Squig Red

  • Written by
  • Published
    17 Jan 2023
  • Shareable URL


  1. Prime in Chaos Black


  1. Base squig in Mephiston Red
  2. Recess paint and shadow Khorne Red with Incubi Darkness 3:1, water down to glaze consistency
  3. Blend up to Evil Sunz Scarlet
  4. Blend to top Highlight Wild Rider Red
  5. Point and line Highlight Fire Dragon Bright

Lips & Belly

  1. Base in Squig Orange
  2. Blend into skin with mix of Squig Orange and Wild Rider Red
  3. Blend lips and belly up to Cadian Fleshtone
  4. Add more Ushabti Bone to bring up to point highlight


  1. Base in Skavenblight Dinge
  2. Blend up to Graphite
  3. Blend up to Karak Stone
  4. Use Screaming Skull to the mix for extreme edge

Starred by geekly and paddo



Paint Pad supporter

AK Interactive 3rd Generation Acrylics
Standard 1
  • AK11019 Graphite
Citadel Painting System 13
Base 3
  • Incubi Darkness
  • Khorne Red
  • Mephiston Red
Layer 9
  • Cadian Fleshtone
  • Evil Sunz Scarlet
  • Fire Dragon Bright
  • Karak Stone
  • Screaming Skull
  • Skavenblight Dinge
  • Squig Orange
  • Ushabti Bone
  • Wild Rider Red
Spray 1
  • Chaos Black
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