HeroQuest Doors

  • Written by
  • Published
    11 Feb 2023
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
  • Shareable URL

Dark Stone

  1. Base coat with black
  2. Dry Bush Celesta Gray
  3. Light Dry Bush Praxeti White
  4. Shade Agrax Earthshade
  5. Base oat Veins with Caliban Green
  6. Highlight with Moot Green
  7. Edge highlight Moot Green with Ogryn Camo 1x1

Gray Stone

  1. Drybrush Dawnstone
  2. Drybrush Fenrisian Grey
  3. Light drybrush Celestra Grey. Face Tyrant Skull
  4. Shade stones with Agrax Earthshade, face with Seraphim Sepia and then Veins with Ork Flesh diluted with 3 parts of Lahmian Medium
  5. Basecoat veins with Caliban Green
  6. Highlight with Warpstone Glow then Moot Green
  7. Drybrush the face with Terminatus Stone

Wooden Door

  1. Drybrush White
  2. Coat with Mournfang Brown or Doombull Brown odiluted with Contrast Medium 1x4. Basecoat metal parts with Corvus Black

Beige Stone

  1. Basecoat with Wraithbone shade with Seraphim Sepia



Mini painting noob with great curiosity and many tools at hand