I stole a lot of the method for the skin from Juan Hidalgo on YouTube. I winged it for the rest of the elements.
Pale White Skin
- Basecoat with Wraithbone . I used the spray for speed.
- Wash the skin with Magos Purple , thinned with twice as much Contrast Medium .
- Paint the fleshy bits with 2:1 Volupus Pink and Contrast Medium .
- Add small highlights of Kislev Flesh to the flesh bits only.
- Re-apply Wraithbone as chunky highlights anywhere you feel they are needed.
- Add sepective highlights of Pallid Wych Flesh .
- Where the skin needs some extra pop, add small and specular white highlights of White Scar .
Purple Carapace
- Basecoat with Naggaroth Night .
- Wash with Nuln Oil , dragging towards the recesses.
- Add chunky edge highlights of Naggaroth Night mixed with Genestealer Purple to all of the plating. Also add striations on the edges of large plates with the same chunky lines.
- With Genestealer Purple , edge highlight it all again with fine lines. Place these fine lines within the striations from the last stage too.
- Continue with selective highlights of Genestealer Purple and Wraithbone mixed 1:1. Make these highlights very small or even specular highlights. These should be placed on the edges of the striations too.
- On points and sharp corners, you may want to add dots of pure Wraithbone too.
Dark Red Bone Claws/Weapons
- Mix Abaddon Black and Khorne Red , then basecoat the area.
- Now glaze towards the lightest area, using Khorne Red . I did a couple of passes, to ensure they were a good colour.
- With Evil Sunz Scarlet , add chunky edge highlights to everything.
- With Wild Rider Red , edge highlight it all again with fine lines. Place these fine lines within the striations from the last stage too.
- Selectively highlight edges with a 1:1 mix of Wild Rider Red and Lugganath Orange .
- Finish off with small amounts of Lugganath Orange , on points only.
Yellow Eyes
- Basecoat the eye with Averland Sunset .
- Highlight a smaller area towards the front with Dorn Yellow .
- Finally pick out a specular highlight with White Scar .
- Pick out each tooth with a couple of layers of Ushabti Bone .
- Add a smaller layer of Wraithbone to make each tooth look more cylindrical.
- Finally, add specular highlights of White Scar to the points.
Aspiring miniature painter and biscuit enthusiast. Here to share my hobby and help where I can.