Straight-forward tabletop white Tau army speed paint scheme
This is a test model for the scheme. The results are striking even with blocky, rough textured shading and brushwork. The roughness and contrast is good on the tabletop.
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All of these steps were done by airbrush, the skin is the base Ocean Blue + Grey-Blue effect
- Prime with Valejo Black or German Panzer Grey
- Basecoat AK Ocean Blue
- Zenithal highlight AK Grey-Blue
White Armour
- 2nd, tighter airbrush zenithal AK Blue Grey
- Airbrush spot-highlight AK Offwhite
- Brush glaze AK Blue Grey on generally vertical an upward-facing planes
- Brush glaze AK Offwhite on highest planes
Yellow Spot Color
- Vallejo Xpress Color Imperial Yellow (72.403)
Red Spot Color
- Blood Angels Red
Black Lining
- Vallejo Xpress Color Black Lotus (72.423) or Mr. Weather Multiblack