Red Skin
- Prime the whole model with German Red Brown.
- Basecoat the skin with Word Bearers Red. The colours are pretty close, so you can probably get away with one quick coat.
- Wash the skin with 1 part Darkoath Flesh, 1 part Garaghak's Sewer and 10 parts Contrast Medium.
- Drybrush with Tuskgor Fur.
- Drybrush lightly with Squig Orange and add highlight manually with a brush, where you cannot drybrush.
- Selectively highlight with Kislev Flesh.
- Add very small highlights of 1:1 Kislev Flesh and Pallid Wych Flesh and specular highlights of pure Pallid Wych Flesh in selective spots.
Pink Flesh
- Basecoat with Bugman's Glow.
- Wash with Reikland Fleshshade.
- Highlight with a 1:1 mix of Bugman's Glow and Cadian Fleshtone.
- Apply smaller highlights of Cadian Fleshtone.
- Selectively highlight with Kislev Flesh.
- Finish with dots of Kislev Flesh mixed with Pallid Wych Flesh, where needed.
Fleshy Belly/Tentacles
- Basecoat with 4:1 Ungor Flesh & Wild Rider Red.
- Drybrush raised details with pure Ungor Flesh.
- Add a touch of White to the Ungor Flesh, then drybrush lightly, builging up the volumes.
- Wash all of the area with 2 parts Reikland Fleshshade and 3 parts Lahmian Medium. The idea here was to unify my drybrushing a little and get some easy shading in there too. You could always make the mix heavier on the Reikland Fleshshade, if you wanted a richer colour.
- Mix some Ungor Flesh 1:1 with White again, and selectively highlight the membrane, within the previous step.
- Finish with very small highlights of White.
Dark Blue Carapace
- Basecoat with Stegadon Scale Green.
- Recess shade with a mix of Stegadon Scale Green and Abaddon Black.
- Add chunky edge highlights of Thunderhawk Blue to all of the plating. Also add striations on the edges of large plates with the same chunky lines.
- With Fenrisian Grey, edge highlight it all again with fine lines. Place these fine lines within the striations from the last stage too.
- Apply selective edge highlights with Blue Horror. Make these highlights very selective or even specular highlights. These should be placed on the edges of the striations too.
- Finish with a few specular hihglights of Ulthuan Grey on points and particuarly strong striations.
Black Bone Claws/Weapons
- Basecoat with Abaddon Black.
- Glaze highlight raised areas with Corvus Black & Stegadon Scale Green mixed 1:1.
- Add chunky highlights with Stegadon Scale Green.
- Apply fine highlights with a 1:1 mix of Incubi Darkness and Administratum Grey.
- Selectively highlight with Administratum Grey.
- Finish with very small highlights of 1:1 Administratum Grey and White. Specular highlights of pure white are probably a good idea on points too.
Yellow Eyes
- Basecoat the eye with Yriel Yellow.
- Highlight a smaller area towards the front with Dorn Yellow.
- Finally pick out a specular highlight with White Scar.
- Pick out each tooth with a couple of layers of Ushabti Bone.
- Add a smaller layer of Wraithbone to make each tooth look more cylindrical.
- Finally, add specular highlights of White Scar to the points.
- Basecoat with Screamer Pink.
- Optionally, you can glaze towards the base of the tongue with Druchii Violet if you wanted. I did.
- Glaze towards the tip with a few passes of Pink Horror.
- Mix Pink Horror 1:1 with Kislev Flesh and apply smaller highlights.
- Now do the same with smaller highlights of pure Kislev Flesh.
- Finish with a dot of Wraithbone on the tip, to add shine.
Green Smoke
- Basecoat with Caliban Green and Ushabti Bone, mixed 1:1.
- Wash the smoke with Biel-Tan Green. Try and pull the pigment towards recesses and areas where the smoke is thickest.
- Mix a pure white, like White Scar, into the base mix gradually amd build up highlights. Apply them towards the tip of the smoke, furthest from the source.