Cities of Sigmar - Blue cloth

Cities of Sigmar - Blue cloth

  1. Base coat with a 2:1 mix of Blue-Green and Screamer Pink
  2. Layer and glaze highlights with Blue-Green
  3. Glaze in shadows with very diluted Screamer Pink
  4. Add Pale Sand to the Blue-Green for the highlights
  5. For the final dot highlights add FS 37886 Offwhite to the Blue-Green / Pale Sand mix
AK Interactive 3rd Generation Acrylics
Standard 2
  • AK11032 Pale Sand
  • AK11169 Blue-Green
AK Interactive Acrylics
Air 1
  • AK2147 FS 37886 Offwhite
Citadel Painting System
Base 1
  • Screamer Pink
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