
  • Written by
  • Published
    02 Feb 2024
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  1. Prime with white or light grey


  1. Basecoat using airbrush with Screaming Skull
  2. Soft shade 2:1 Ushabti Bone and XV-88 Glaze with soft shade towards bottom of panels over multiple layers
  3. Deep shade with 1:1 Rhinox Hide and Mournfang Brown Make sure to clean up with soft shade or basecoat to clean up this darker shade
  4. Basecoat remaining components with this mix (aquila, parchment, etc)

If transitions need to be smoother, glaze back (towards top) with screaming skull

  1. Edge Highlight 1:1 with white and Screaming Skull
  2. If desired, glaze towards top of panels with the highlight mix


  1. Basecoat Caliban Green
  2. Shade with 2:1 Caliban Green and black
  3. Highlight Warpstone Glow
  4. Highlight Warpstone Glow & Ushabti Bone
  5. Highlgiht Screaming Skull

Crux Terminatus

  1. Basecoat Dawnstone
  2. Shade Nuln Oil or black/grey mix
  3. Highlight Dawnstone & Administratum Grey
  4. Highlgiht Administratum Grey
  5. Highlight Administratum Grey & White
Citadel Painting System 10
Base 4
  • Caliban Green
  • Mournfang Brown
  • Rhinox Hide
  • XV-88
Shade 1
  • Nuln Oil
Layer 5
  • Administratum Grey
  • Dawnstone
  • Screaming Skull
  • Ushabti Bone
  • Warpstone Glow
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