Soviet WW2 vehicles

Soviet WW2 vehicles

  • Written by
  • Published
    17 Jan 2020
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This is for pretty much any WW2 Soviet or even American vehicle. I included details for wood in brown, but honestly most soldiers pained their wood green to match the metal.

  1. Prime with Rustoleum camoflauge green
  2. Black Grey basecoat on all metal and tracks
  3. Dark Tone wash the entire model, the goal is to get the recesses but also make it darker
  4. US Dark Green drybrush all vehicle surfaces
  5. Russian Uniform WWII drybrush over the entire green space
  6. German Camouflage Beige WWII drybrush over the green again, being very light and focusing on raised surfaces
  7. US Field Drab : drybrush on the wood
  8. Uniform Grey drybrush on treads. You can do this right over the ink

Starred by AndersonPink

The Army Painter Warpaints 2
Acrylic 1
  • Uniform Grey
Wash 1
  • Dark Tone
Vallejo Model Color
Base 5
  • 70.821 German Camouflage Beige WWII
  • 70.862 Black Grey
  • 70.873 US Field Drab
  • 70.893 US Dark Green
  • 70.924 Russian Uniform WWII
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