Alpha Legion 40K

  • Written by
  • Published
    11 Mar 2024
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  1. Prime with Chaos Black


  1. Drybrush with Sir Coates Silver
  2. Drybrush with Plate Armour
  3. Wash with a 1:1 mix of Lahmian Medium and Gryph-charger Grey
  4. Drybrush with Mythril Blade


  1. Paint with a 1:1 mix of Kroxigor Scales and Contrast Medium
  2. Edge highlight with 3:1 mix of Mythril Blade and Kroxigor Scales
  3. Edge highlight with Mythril Blade


  1. Base with Amethyst Rayne
  2. Shade with Nuln Oil
  3. Layer with Sorceror's Cloak
  4. Highlight with Runic Purple mixed with a bit of White Star


  1. Base with Cuirass Leather
  2. Wash with Agrax Earthshade
  3. Layer with Boar Hide
  4. Highlight with Fur Cloak

Bones and Real Teeth

  1. Base with Ivory Tusk
  2. Wash with Seraphim Sepia
  3. Highlight with Vampire Fang then Corax White


  1. Paint weapon casings with Black Templar
  2. Edge highlight with Thunderhawk Blue
  3. Paint metal weapon bits with Plate Armour
  4. Wash with 1:1 mix of Ratling Grime and Lahmian Medium


  1. Paint bare piping in Black Templar
  2. Paint coated piping in Leviathan Purple and highlight with Amethyst Rayne
  3. Paint gaps in coated piping with Corax White then wash with Striking Scorpion Green

Daemon flesh

  1. Base with Grey Seer or Corax White
  2. Wash with a 4:2:1 mix of Dreadful Visage Basilicanum Grey and Leviathan Purple aiming for a dull grape color
  3. Drybrush with Daemonette Hide
  4. Drybrush with Slaanesh Grey
  5. Pick sharp highlights with Slaanesh Grey mixed with White Star


  1. Paint eye lenses with Corax White then Striking Scorpion Green
  2. Paint tiny armor details (stars, teeth, runes, etc) with Dragon's Gold


  1. Basecoat base with Ancient Forest
  2. Layer top of base with a mix of Martian Ironcrust and Martian Ironearth
  3. When dry, paint with a thinned layer of Stormshield
  4. Wash with 1:1 mix of Agrax Earthshade and Water
  5. Drybrush with Doombull Brown or Boar Hide
  6. Drybrush with Tuskgor Fur or Fur Cloak
  7. Drybrush with above mixed 1:1 with a bit of Vampire Fang to lighten


Paint Pad supporter

Citadel Painting System 23
Base 3
  • Corax White
  • Daemonette Hide
  • Grey Seer
Shade 3
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
  • Seraphim Sepia
Layer 3
  • Doombull Brown
  • Slaanesh Grey
  • Tuskgor Fur
Dry 1
  • Thunderhawk Blue
Technical 3
  • Contrast Medium
  • Lahmian Medium
  • Stormshield
Texture 2
  • Martian Ironcrust
  • Martian Ironearth
Contrast 8
  • Basilicanum Grey
  • Black Templar
  • Dreadful Visage
  • Gryph-charger Grey
  • Kroxigor Scales
  • Leviathan Purple
  • Ratling Grime
  • Striking Scorpion Green
Two Thin Coats 14
Shade 3
  • Amethyst Rayne
  • Cuirass Leather
  • Sir Coates Silver
Midtone 6
  • Ancient Forest
  • Boar Hide
  • Dragon's Gold
  • Ivory Tusk
  • Plate Armour
  • Sorceror's Cloak
Highlight 5
  • Fur Cloak
  • Mythril Blade
  • Runic Purple
  • Vampire Fang
  • White Star
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