Astra Militarium - Steel Legion - Infantry

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  • Published
    20 Mar 2024
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This is a true steel legion scheme based on the Armageddon Codex era. Uniforms are mustard yellow and standard grey, while armor is greenish black. Camo on vehicles is dusty green tan and grey and accent stripes in red and white.

  1. Prime Zandri Dust

Main Uniform (mustard yellow)

This color will be in many places depending on the model. It will typically be the tunic, jacket, or greatcoat. In cases where a model doesn't have this, it will be the jumpsuit (vehicle crew) or undersuit (solar auxillia)

  1. Paint two thin layers of Zamesi Desert
  2. All over shade with 2:1 Agrax Earthshade and Lahmian Medium
  3. Edge highlight with Skeleton Legion then Vampire Fang

Secondary Uniform (standard grey)

  1. Paint two thin layers of Skavenblight Dinge
  2. All over shade with 2:1 Agrax Earthshade and Lahmian Medium
  3. Edge highlight with Skavenblight Dinge and Administratum Grey


  1. Base with Death Reaper or Corvus Black
  2. Edge Highlight with Stormvermin Fur

Leathers (dark brown)

  1. Paint two thin layers with Rhinox Hide or Cuirass Leather
  2. All over shade with 2:1 Agrax Earthshade and Lahmian Medium
  3. Edge highlight with Gorthor Brown or Ancient Forest

Armor (dark grey green)

  1. Layer with a 3:2 mix of Corvus Black and Castellan Green
  2. Shade with Nuln Oil
  3. Edge highlight with Stormvermin Fur and Administratum Grey

Metallic details

Basecoat all of these details (especially equipment ones on belts and the like. Prior to shading so they can be shaded all together

  1. Basecoat steel metal details with Leadbelcher or Sir Coates Silver
  2. Basecoat accent metals on weapons with Balthasar Gold
  3. Basecoat gold metal details with Dragon's Gold
  4. Shade steel metal with 1:1 Agrax Earthshade and Lahmian Medium
  5. Shade gold metal with 1:1 Water and Aggaros Dunes
  6. Highlight all metals with Stormhost Silver or Mythril Blade


  1. Basecoat skin with Corax White or Ivory Tusk
  2. Wash with Darkoath Flesh or Fyreslayer Flesh

Blue Accents

Do on things like power cables, eye lenses, screens, etc

  1. Base with Kantor Blue
  2. Shade (if necessary) with Nuln Oil
  3. Layer with Ahriman Blue
  4. Additional highlight of 1:1 Ahriman Blue and Krieg Khaki on extra glowy bits


  1. Basecoat Corax White
  2. Draw a diagonal line with Sanguine Scarlet


  1. Paint base with Steel Legion Drab
  2. Cover base with Vallejo Ground Texture Grey Sand
  3. RePaint base with Steel Legion Drab
  4. Wash with Army Painter Dark Tone or Agrax Earthshade
  5. Drybrush with Baneblade Brown then Krieg Khaki
  6. Tufts?

Alternate Base

  1. Cover Base in Stirland Battlemire or Stirland Mud
  2. Overbrush with Steel Legion Drab
  3. Drybrush with Krieg Khaki
  4. Tufts or Leaves?


Paint Pad supporter

Citadel Painting System 25
Base 8
  • Balthasar Gold
  • Castellan Green
  • Corax White
  • Corvus Black
  • Kantor Blue
  • Leadbelcher
  • Rhinox Hide
  • Steel Legion Drab
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
Layer 9
  • Administratum Grey
  • Ahriman Blue
  • Baneblade Brown
  • Gorthor Brown
  • Krieg Khaki
  • Skavenblight Dinge
  • Stormhost Silver
  • Stormvermin Fur
  • Zamesi Desert
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Texture 2
  • Stirland Battlemire
  • Stirland Mud
Contrast 3
  • Aggaros Dunes
  • Darkoath Flesh
  • Fyreslayer Flesh
Two Thin Coats 10
Shade 2
  • Cuirass Leather
  • Sir Coates Silver
Midtone 6
  • Ancient Forest
  • Death Reaper
  • Dragon's Gold
  • Ivory Tusk
  • Sanguine Scarlet
  • Skeleton Legion
Highlight 2
  • Mythril Blade
  • Vampire Fang
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