Bases: Ash Wastes

Bases: Ash Wastes

  • Written by
  • Published
    17 Apr 2024
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The basing recipe for my Ash Waste bases for Necromunda.

  1. Use AK Interactive Sandy Desert basing past, and sprinkle fine sand over the base. Use Gravel & Sand Fixer to fix in place.
  2. Using an airbrush, base coat the base in Flat Earth . Provide a zenithal highlight with Deck Tan and then provide a highlight from ground level with Buff to provide some directional lighting.
  3. In areas of interest and heavy terrain, add an oil wash of Industrial Earth .
  4. Dry brush raised areas of sand with Dust .
  5. Paint any metallic items in Black Metal . Provide a thick coat of Typhus Corrosion and wash this with Doombull Brown . Add areas of interest with a wash of Light Rust , drybrushing Silver or Dry Rust .



AK Interactive Abteilung 502
Base 3
  • Dust
  • Industrial Earth
  • Light Rust
Citadel Painting System 2
Layer 1
  • Doombull Brown
Technical 1
  • Typhus Corrosion
Scale75 Scalecolor
Metal n' Alchemy 1
  • SC-63 Black Metal
Acrylic flat 3
  • XF-52 Flat Earth
  • XF-55 Deck Tan
  • XF-57 Buff
Vallejo Game Color
Special effect 1
  • 72.136 Dry Rust
Vallejo Model Color
Metallic 1
  • 70.997 Silver
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