Vault Dwellers (Wasteland Warfare)

Vault Dwellers (Wasteland Warfare)

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  • Published
    20 Apr 2024
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Standard Jumpsuit Fabric

  1. Prime Zandri Dust
  2. Basecoat jumpsuit in Cantabric Blue
  3. Wash jumpsuit with Nuln Oil
  4. Drybrush with Mediterranean Blue , or do gradual brush highlights for a better result.

Other Basecoats

  1. Basecoat flesh with Cadian Fleshtone (obviously, replace all skin steps with another skintone if needed. This is my standard 'wastelander' white-skin).
  2. If needed, touch up the Zandri Dust on the leather areas (straps, boots, shinwraps, etc), then coat in Wyldwood
  3. Basecoat any wooden weapon elements with Thondia Brown
  4. Basecoat metallic areas, such as the PipBoy and 10mm Pistol, with Thrash Metal
  5. Wash the flesh with Guilliman Flesh , and the metals/wooden areas with Basilicanum Grey

Quick Highlights

  1. Drybrush or brush-highlight the metallic areas with Speed Metal
  2. Drybrush or brush-highlight the leather areas with Skrag Brown
  3. Paint the PipBoy screen with Matt White followed by Tesseract Glow
  4. Highlight the skin with Cadian Fleshtone followed by Kislev Flesh

Jumpsuit Gold

  1. Basecoat the gold stripes on the jumpsuit with Necro Gold
  2. Rough highlight on the gold with Peridot Alchemy


  1. Depends what you want to do with the hair - I just went with a simple Black Legion , then Corvus Black highlight.


  1. Imo these models aren't high enough detail to bother with the eyes. But if you opt to do them, do it before any of the skin steps - go messy with the white and just paint over the eyelids/etc with the pink.
Citadel Painting System 13
Base 3
  • Corvus Black
  • Thondia Brown
  • Zandri Dust
Shade 1
  • Nuln Oil
Layer 3
  • Cadian Fleshtone
  • Kislev Flesh
  • Skrag Brown
Technical 1
  • Tesseract Glow
Spray 1
  • Zandri Dust
Contrast 4
  • Basilicanum Grey
  • Black Legion
  • Guilliman Flesh
  • Wyldwood
Scale75 Scalecolor 6
Scalecolor 2
  • SC-51 Mediterranean Blue
  • SC-53 Cantabric Blue
Metal n' Alchemy 4
  • SC-64 Thrash Metal
  • SC-66 Speed Metal
  • SC-71 Necro Gold
  • SC-78 Peridot Alchemy
The Army Painter Warpaints
Acrylic 1
  • Matt White
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