Basecoat and Green
- Black Primer basecoat
- Mechanicus Standard Grey airbrushed all over. Perhaps a slight hint of zenithal, keeping the black in the extreme recesses.
- White zenithal.
Current iteration is Flat White thinned with Mr Hobby thinner, through a Badger 105 super detailed nozzle. Works perfectly once thinned properly and the nozzle is clean.
A couple of passes will be needed to hit max saturation
Mare sure to leave some pure grey otherwise the effect is lessened. - Karandras Green airbrushed all over
Just a hint of thinner
Try not to overdo it, there is a sweet spot where the saturation is high due to the white
- Light Sea Grey for all light colours (whites, bone etc)
- Black for darks/blacks
- Flat Brown for golds and yellows