Quick Imperial Fists

WIP Tutorial

Quick Imperial Fists

  • Written by
  • Published
    29 Jan 2020
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A quick way to paint Imperial Fists

Imperial Fist Armour

  1. Prime the model with Wraithbone
  2. Prime the whole model with Sun Yellow (Vallejo also has a spraycan. I used the spraycan)
  3. Dry brush the model with Hexos Palesun
  4. Use any high gloss(!) Varnish on the model. I used a cheap 2 euros spraycan, and it worked perfectly
  5. Wash the whole model in a 2:2 mix of Contrast Medium and Iyanden Yellow
  6. Use any high gloss(!) Varnish on the model. I used a cheap 2 euros spraycan, and it worked perfectly
  7. Wash the whole model with Agrax Earthshade the gloss varnish helps with pooling of the wash. Do catch the excess wash with your brush.
  8. Varnish the model using anti shine matt varnish from Army Painter

Shoulderpad trim

For this army, I'm going for a 5th company look. This means that I'll be adding a black trim to the model. The recipe for black, will be used on every black part of the model.

  1. Base coat all black areas with Eshin Grey
  2. Layer all black areas with Black Templar
  3. Edge highlight the black areas with Eshin Grey
  4. For characters I'll add an edge highlight on the sharpest edges with Dawnstone to make them pop.


Most Aquilas of the Imperial Fist chapter are a crimson red colour. I'll do this for my own army. Yet you could opt for black Aquilas and use the same colours used for the black parts.

  1. Basecoat crimson areas with Khorne Red
  2. Wash crimson red areas with Carroburg Crimson
  3. Edge highlight crimson areas with Wazdakka Red


Parchments are places where we are allowed to cut corners. As long as they look half decent, it will work with the rest of the paint scheme.

  1. Basecoat parchment with Wraithbone
  2. Wash parchment with Skeleton Horde


Currently not the happiest with the leather bits, but it works and it's quick. i will most likely change this later.

  1. Basecoat with Wraithbone
  2. Wash with Snakebite Leather




I paint stuff. I also tend to ruin my paintjobs at the last moment Mainly Warhammer Mostly #bloodangels Sometimes #imperialfists Always #alphalegion

Citadel Painting System 14
Base 2
  • Khorne Red
  • Wraithbone
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Carroburg Crimson
Layer 3
  • Dawnstone
  • Eshin Grey
  • Wazdakka Red
Dry 1
  • Hexos Palesun
Technical 1
  • Contrast Medium
Spray 1
  • Wraithbone
Contrast 4
  • Black Templar
  • Iyanden Yellow
  • Skeleton Horde
  • Snakebite Leather
Vallejo Game Color
Base 1
  • 72.006 Sun Yellow
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