Asylum Keyword (Malifaux, One Flew Over/M2E Starter Box)

Asylum Keyword (Malifaux, One Flew Over/M2E Starter Box)

  • Written by
  • Published
    20 Jun 2024
  • Shareable URL
  1. Prime Fine Primer White Spray or equivalent. Any pure white will do.
  2. Coat the entire miniature, including the base, in Soulblight Grey .
  3. As I had based this keyword with textured tile-style plasticard, I also dotted some watered-down Poxwalker , Mortarion Grime and Targor Rageshade to the base, for some contrast (as the minis will be mostly white like their basing).
  4. Drybrush the miniatures Matt White or equivalent (any white paint suitable for drybrushing).
  5. Coat the skin with Guilliman Flesh
  6. Coat the masks/etc, other surgical elements, with Aethermatic Blue
  7. Coat the leather areas in Wyldwood , and the other fabrics with varying Basilicanum Grey and Black Legion . I painted the doc's tie with Gryph-hound Orange
  8. Coat the hair areas in varying Skeleton Horde , Cygor Brown , Targor Rageshade etc.
  9. Coat the remaining and to-be-metal parts with Black Legion ; then, stipple some Thrash Metal onto the latter.
  10. Basecoat the syringe 'liquids' and eyelenses with Matt White . Coat the syringes with Volupus Pink and coat lenses in Nighthaunt Gloom

Starred by znewbie

AK Interactive
Spray 1
  • AK1011 Fine Primer White Spray
Citadel Painting System 14
Shade 4
  • Mortarion Grime
  • Poxwalker
  • Soulblight Grey
  • Targor Rageshade
Contrast 10
  • Aethermatic Blue
  • Basilicanum Grey
  • Black Legion
  • Cygor Brown
  • Gryph-hound Orange
  • Guilliman Flesh
  • Nighthaunt Gloom
  • Skeleton Horde
  • Volupus Pink
  • Wyldwood
Scale75 Scalecolor
Metal n' Alchemy 1
  • SC-64 Thrash Metal
The Army Painter Warpaints
Acrylic 1
  • Matt White
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