93rd Ice Warrior Valhallan


93rd Ice Warrior Valhallan

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  • Published
    19 Dec 2024
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  1. Undercoat

Apply an even coat of Zandri Dust spray primer to prepare the miniature.

  1. Basecoat

Zandri Dust (Base): Mix 2 drops of paint with 1 drop of water for a smooth consistency.
Apply this basecoat to cover areas where the spray undercoat didn’t reach.

  1. Coat


Apply Agrax Earthshade to the coat for shading.
(a) Generously apply the shade over the surface.
(b) Dab off the excess with a clean brush to avoid pooling.


Use Zandri Dust to highlight raised areas. Apply the paint sparingly to preserve the shaded recesses.

  1. Coat Selective Highlights

Mix 1 part Ushabti Bone with 1 part Zandri Dust .
Apply selectively to light-exposed areas, avoiding shadows and downward-facing surfaces.

  1. Skin

Basecoat: Kislev Flesh Apply a smooth basecoat to the skin areas.

Shade: Guilliman Flesh Add a wash to enhance the skin's depth.

Progressive Highlights:
Mix 1: 1 part Kislev Flesh + 1 part White Scar for the first highlights.
Mix 2: 2 parts Kislev Flesh + 1 part White Scar r for the final highlights.

  1. Cloak and cask/kepi

Mix Karak Stone with Eshin Grey in a 1:1 ratio.
Apply a glaze, blending from light to shadow.
Add a white variant by blending the gray with khaki tones.

  1. Trousers

Basecoat: Castellan Green .
Highlighting: Mix Karak Stone with Castellan Green in a 1:1 ratio.

  1. Rifle Stock (Wood)

Basecoat: Doom Bull Brown .
Shade: Berserker Blood to deepen the wood tones.
Highlights: Mix Doom Bull Brown with Karak Stone in a 1:1 ratio to paint wood grain details.

  1. Rifle Details

Shade: Nuln Oil for metallic parts.
Highlights: Use Stormhost Silver on metallic edges.

  1. Glasses
  2. Finishing: Varnish

Apply a gloss varnish ( Technical Ardcoat ) because it adheres better and provides added durability.
Then, finish with a matte varnish (diluted for smooth application) to create an even, non-glossy surface.

Citadel Painting System 11
Base 2
  • Castellan Green
  • Zandri Dust
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
Layer 6
  • Eshin Grey
  • Karak Stone
  • Kislev Flesh
  • Stormhost Silver
  • Ushabti Bone
  • White Scar
Contrast 1
  • Guilliman Flesh
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