- Base coat pants Ironhull Grey
- Base coat robe and top Brainmatter Beige
- Base coat armor and staff accents Glorious Gold
- Base coat book and parts of robe Yellow Ochre
- Base coat leather padding and straps Umbral Umber
- Base coat staff Zombie Skin
- Base coat staff orb Chocolate Brown with Metal Medium
- Base coat hair mix of Sepia and Yellow
- Base coat skin Dwarven Flesh
- Base coat belt Desert Tan
- Wash skin Reikland Fleshshade
- Wash everything else (except hair) Seraphim Sepia
- Highlight skin Desert Tan
- Highlight staff Brainmatter Beige
- Highlight armor Glorious Gold
- Highlight book and parts of robe Yellow Ochre
- Base coat potion Cygnar Blue Highlight
- Base coat gems Cygnar Blue Highlight Twilight Purple or Flat Red
- Base coat pages and symbols of book Flat Red
- Base coat cloth designs Umbral Umber
- Highlight robe and top Brainmatter Beige
- Base coat base Umbral Umber
- Texture base Earth Texture