- Base coat skin Sunburn Flesh
- Base coat pants Gem Purple
- Base coat buckles, boots, and gloves Hammered Copper
- Base coat shoulder pads Flat Red (left) and Pale Saffron (right)
- Base coat bandanna Rosy Pink
- Base coat scarves Cygnar Blue Highlight and mix of Fireball Orange and Pale Saffron
- Highlight skin Suntan Flesh
- Highlight skin Desert Tan
- Highlight skin Caucasian Flesh
- Highlight buckle, boots, and gloves Bright Bronze
- Base coat gems and upper boots Moot Green
- Base coat left glove detail and headphones Flat Red
- Freehand hearts on shoulder pads Pale Saffron (left) and Flat Red (right)
- Freehand dots on bandanna Pale Saffron
- Freehand crosses on right glove Cygnar Blue Highlight
- Freehand dots on pants Cygnar Blue Highlight
- Freehand circles on right shoulder pad Toxic Boils
- Freehand slashes on right boot Moot Green
- Base coat other belt details Toxic Boils and Flat Red
- Detail eyes Fireball Orange
- Wet blend boot fire Fireball Orange and Pale Saffron
- Base coat smoke Castle Grey
- Highlight smoke Concrete Grey
- Highlight smoke Arctic Grey
- Base coat base Umbral Umber
- Texture base Earth Texture