Imperial Fists Black Fast NMM

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  • Published
    30 Jan 2025
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Used on pauldron trim and accessories. The technique for highlights is starting from the center of the highlight use thin lines going across. As you move away from the highlight leave greater and greater space between each line showing the base coat or previous highlight layer showing.

  1. Base coat Black
  2. Highlight #1 1:1 Black : Glacier Blue
  3. Highlight #2 within Highlight #1 covering around 80%. 2:1 Glacier Blue : Black
  4. Highlight #3 within Highlight #2 covering around 80%. 3:1 Glacier Blue : Black Edge highlight everything not facing down.
  5. Spot Highlight within Highlight #3 only a few strokes really keeping it tight. Also edge highlight just the edge through the highlighits. Glacier Blue