Untitled recipe

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  • Published
    03 Feb 2025
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Slap chop

  1. Spray with a black primer like Chaos Black
  2. Base coat the entire model with Rhinox Hide Very thinned down.
  3. Heavy dry brush Mechanicus Standard Grey Like very heavy. Stipple if you need to to get in most crevices. This should cover about 90% of model. You can use a large dry brush for this
  4. Another Heavy dry brush Administratum Grey Slightly less then last. Aim for about 70% of model. Stilple in crevices. Pic is side by side from last step. Use a smaller dry brush like a medium
  5. More of a stipple than a dry brush of Ulthuan Grey Starting from top and hitting where lights would hit. Do not get under crevices. Aim for about less than half of model. Pic is side by side comparison
  6. Now the final layer for this White Scar or any other pure white. Try to leave model stationary and only light stipple the areas only light would hit. So half of last layer.


  1. All areas of armor and fatigues in Militarum Green One coat is fine
  2. Next hit all fatigue areas in a really thinned Loren Forest
  3. Hit all armor in a layer of Camouflage Olive Green
  4. We will now start adding wavy areas of Zandri Dust Yu can ontinue using a 2 size brush for this
Citadel Painting System 5
Base 2
  • Rhinox Hide
  • Zandri Dust
Layer 1
  • Loren Forest
Spray 1
  • Chaos Black
Contrast 1
  • Militarum Green
Vallejo Model Color
Base 1
  • 70.894 Camouflage Olive Green
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