Dormouse scout B&B

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  • Published
    22 Nov 2020
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How I painted my dormouse scout for my Burrows & Badgers warband

  1. Prime black.


  1. Brown fur: Leather Brown
  2. White fur: Bleached Linen
  3. Nose and hands and feet: 1 part Brilliant Red , 5 parts Bleached Linen for a pale pink.
  4. Tail: Under paint with your choice of white ( Bleached Linen ), then paint with 1 part Brilliant Red , 5 parts Bleached Linen .
  5. Wash with Seraphim Sepia
  6. Drybrush fur with original colors.
  7. Claws: paint with Bleached Linen shade with Seraphim Sepia

Clothing and weapons

  1. Leather armor, dagger sheath, dagger handel: Dark Highlights , wash with Nuln Oil , highlight with Dark Highlights , Harvest Brown , and Leather Brown
  2. Sling and pouch: Harvest Brown , highlight with Leather Brown
  3. Wash pouch with Nuln Oil
  4. Stone in sling: Mountain Stone
  5. Cloak: Base coat with Camo Green , wash with Agrax Earthshade , wash crevices with Nuln Oil , highlight with Camo Green , highlight with a mix of Camo Green and Golden Yellow
  6. Tunic: Paint with Monument Bright Pale Green , wash twice with Seraphim Sepia
  7. All metal bits: White Gold , wash with Nuln Oil
  8. Shield color: Jade , shade with Nuln Oil
Citadel Painting System
Shade 3
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
  • Seraphim Sepia
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl 4
Base 3
  • 006 Golden Yellow
  • 020 Camo Green
  • 021 Jade
Metallic 1
  • 029 White Gold
Reaper Master Series 6
Base 3
  • 9030 Leather Brown
  • 9042 Dark Highlights
  • 9200 Harvest Brown
Bones 2
  • 9433 Mountain Stone
  • 9436 Bleached Linen
High density 1
  • 29802 Brilliant Red
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