- start by priming the model with White Scar or any other white primer. owrk in several stages. do a thin coat put it aside to dry then repeat. white primer is more touchy and is best if you apply several thin coats to ensure a smooth finish.
- now mix together a wash of equal parts Nuln Oil Lahmian Medium and Reikland Fleshshade this will essentially give you a warmer shade while the lahmian medium will change the flow properties top fill in the gaps better. wash the model and let dry. i found this particular mix on youtube and its worked wonders on not only these but on any armored models such as tanks, space marines, or stormcast.
- now dry brush with any white paint that works for you. i used Titanium White but feel free to use something like White Scar instead or White layer it up so that it coats over the edges and flats of the armor. once again be careful with it and build it up over multiple passes slowly.