
Into the dark terrain

  • Written by
  • Published
    28 Dec 2024
  • Updated
    17 Feb 2025
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This is by no means an original paint scheme nor one i made. I linked the video that inspired this paint scheme and this is simply how i went about it. i changed up some paints and adjusted some things to suit what i already had but i highly recommend checking out his video which i linked however if you want written instructions feel free and please go give his videos a like!

  1. base coat with a smooth coat of Chaos Black and then coat with Naggaroth Night itll look mostly black in darker light but shows up nicely under goood light when playing a game at the table.
  2. dry brush Gauss Blaster Green onto the edges the raqise them up. it dosent need a lot just enough to give all the edges a nice tint. if you get streaks on a flat section just go back over with your base to touch it up
  3. Now you want to pick out your metallic parts. I chose to do the pipes with Hashut Copper or Balthasar Gold and then the fans, panels, buttons and such as Leadbelcher i also picked out different types of pipes with Warplock Bronze
  4. now pick out the wires and cables with Mephiston Red i also chose to go a little extra and did half my wires with Kantor Blue to have some variation.
  5. next I use Light Flesh since that's what i had to pick out the skulls and washed with Skeleton Horde
  6. now apply a light coat of Caliban Green to the display panels and screens
  7. now i pick out the lights with Titanium White as a base
  8. wash the metal parts that you want to be darker or more distressed with Agrax Earthshade
  9. now you can pick out any highlights on the metal with a highlight of Stormhost Silver
  10. now dry brush a bit of Averland Sunset over and around the lights to create a nice glow. the white will make the light look like its on and the dark purple will make what gets on there look more like a light glow which is a great effect
  11. use a bit of Casandora Yellow on the lights to make them look nicer and add a bit of pop to them
  12. now use Evil Sunz Scarlet on your red wires to give them a nicer look and if you did blue wires then you can wash them with Briar Queen Chill
  13. finally you can pick out any final light highlights with Yriel Yellow


AK Interactive 3rd Generation Acrylics 2
Standard 1
  • AK11050 Light Flesh
Ink 1
  • AK11230 Titanium White
Citadel Painting System 18
Base 8
  • Averland Sunset
  • Balthasar Gold
  • Caliban Green
  • Kantor Blue
  • Leadbelcher
  • Mephiston Red
  • Naggaroth Night
  • Warplock Bronze
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Casandora Yellow
Layer 5
  • Evil Sunz Scarlet
  • Gauss Blaster Green
  • Hashut Copper
  • Stormhost Silver
  • Yriel Yellow
Spray 1
  • Chaos Black
Contrast 2
  • Briar Queen Chill
  • Skeleton Horde
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