Dark Angels


Dark Angels

  • Written by
  • Published
    25 Feb 2021
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A test paint scheme using a combination of airbrush and contrast paints.

Dark Angels Armor

  1. Prime Grey
  2. Corvus Black White Scar [Airbrush] Paint recesses black and use white to create OSL effect on the top of the model
  3. Dark Angels Green [Airbrush] Paint entire model's armor
  4. Nuln Oil [Wash] Recesses of armor
  5. Warpstone Glow [Edge] Highlight edges of the armor
  6. Moot Green [Edge] Highlight edges of armor


  1. Zandri Dust [Base]
  2. Screaming Skull [Layer]
  3. Lahmian Medium * Seraphim Sepia * [Wash] *2:1 mix
  4. Screaming Skull [Layer] build up leaving recesses
  5. Screaming Skull * Screaming Skull * [Layer] *1:1 mix / further layer higher areas of cloth
  6. White Scar [Edge]


  1. Leadbelcher [Base]
  2. Nuln Oil [Wash]
  3. Necron Compound [Drybrush]


  1. Retributor Armour [Base]
  2. Agrax Earthshade [Wash]
  3. Liberator Gold [Layer]
  4. Stormhost Silver [Edge]


  1. Kislev Flesh [Base]
  2. Reikland Fleshshade [Wash]
  3. Kislev Flesh [Layer]
  4. Kislev Flesh * White Scar * [Layer] *1:1 mix
  5. White Scar [Edge]


  1. Rhinox Hide [Base]:
  2. Mournfang Brown [Layer]
  3. Mournfang Brown * White Scar * [Edge] *1:1mix


  1. Wraithbone [Base]
  2. Skeleton Horde [Wash]
  3. Ushabti Bone [Layer]
  4. Screaming Skull [Edge]


  1. Thousand Sons Blue [Base]
  2. Baharroth Blue [Edge]
  3. White Scar [Edge]

Stabilizing Jets

  1. Electric Blue [Base]
  2. White Scar [Layer] Hit raised center areas only
  3. Lahmian Medium * Electric Blue * [Glaze] *5:1 Mix


  1. Wraithbone
  2. Lahmian Medium Aethermatic Blue [Wash] 4:1 mix
  3. Praxeti White [Drybrush ]


  1. Abaddon Black [Base]
  2. Leadbelcher [Layer] Boltgun casing, clip, and bits to create contrast
  3. Blood Angels Red [Layer] Boltgun casing, giving it a red metallic effect.
  4. Stormhost Silver [Edge] Metal bits


  1. Grey Seer [Base]
  2. Dawnstone [Layer]
  3. Mephiston Red [Layer]
  4. Rhinox Hide [Layer]
  5. Agrax Earthshade [Wash] Entire model



Addendum 19:21/J <<PERSONAL NOTES::LOG::ALCOHEALIX>> Most of the tutorials found here are not original, merely faithfully re-recorded and modified to specification for the archives.

Paint Pad supporter

Citadel Painting System 32
Base 11
  • Abaddon Black
  • Corvus Black
  • Grey Seer
  • Leadbelcher
  • Mephiston Red
  • Mournfang Brown
  • Retributor Armour
  • Rhinox Hide
  • Thousand Sons Blue
  • Wraithbone
  • Zandri Dust
Shade 4
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
  • Reikland Fleshshade
  • Seraphim Sepia
Layer 10
  • Baharroth Blue
  • Dawnstone
  • Kislev Flesh
  • Liberator Gold
  • Moot Green
  • Screaming Skull
  • Stormhost Silver
  • Ushabti Bone
  • Warpstone Glow
  • White Scar
Dry 2
  • Necron Compound
  • Praxeti White
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Contrast 4
  • Aethermatic Blue
  • Blood Angels Red
  • Dark Angels Green
  • Skeleton Horde
Vallejo Game Air
Base 1
  • 72.723 Electric Blue
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