Manufactorum – Sub-cloister and Storage Fane

Manufactorum – Sub-cloister and Storage Fane

  • Written by
  • Published
    17 Mar 2021
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  1. Prime with Grey
  2. Basecoat everything with Khaki
  3. Basecoat the doors and windows with Mephiston Red
  4. Basecoat metal pipes and technical bits with Gunmetal Metallic
  5. Basecoat all armored conduits (vacuum cleaner hoses) with Mechanicus Standard Grey
  6. Paint any cables, broken lights and broke displays with Heavy Charcoal
  7. Basecoat the big boiler with Hammered Copper
  8. Basecoat any plaques and icons with Bright Bronze
  9. Basecoat the mechanical half of the mechanicus icon with dark Gunmetal
  10. Basecoat the other half with Rakarth Flesh
  11. Wash everything with Agrax Earthshade , try to avoid pooling
  12. Wet the gunmetal parts with water, then apply both Rust and a bit less Dark Rust wet-in-wet
  13. Basecoat the eye of the icon and any screens and lights with Corax White
  14. Wash any lights with Light Tone
  15. Wash the screens and the eye of the icon with Aethermatic Blue
  16. Apply Nihilakh Oxide to the Bright Bronze and Hammered Copper parts
  17. Drybrush main wall parts with Khaki be careful to avoid any details
  18. Drybrush windowframes and doors with Mephiston Red be careful to avoid any details
  19. Highlight up with basecoat colours where necessary
  20. Sponge on battledamage using Charred Brown followed by fewer spots of Cold Steel focus mostly on the Khaki wall parts and their destroyed edges
  21. Apply a very soft drybrush of Bone White to everything
  22. Drybrush the destroyed edges with Charred Brown followed by Black


  1. Prime with Gunmetal
  2. Wash the underside with Strong Tone
  3. Wet the underside with water, then apply both Rust and a bit less Dark Rust
  4. Paint the framework on the top with Heavy Khaki
  5. Wash everything with Strong Tone
  6. Wet the topside with water, then apply both Rust and a bit less Dark Rust and carefully wipe away the wash from the top of the framework with a paper towel
  7. Drybrush the top of the framework with Heavy Khaki be careful to avoid any details
  8. Sponge on battledamage to the top of the framework using Charred Brown followed by fewer spots of Cold Steel
  9. Apply a very soft drybrush of Bone White to everything
  10. Drybrush the destroyed edges with Charred Brown followed by Black
Citadel Painting System 7
Base 4
  • Corax White
  • Mechanicus Standard Grey
  • Mephiston Red
  • Rakarth Flesh
Shade 1
  • Agrax Earthshade
Technical 1
  • Nihilakh Oxide
Contrast 1
  • Aethermatic Blue
Formula P3
Metallic 1
  • Cold Steel
The Army Painter Warpaints
Wash 2
  • Light Tone
  • Strong Tone
Vallejo Game Air
Base 1
  • 72.754 Gunmetal
Vallejo Game Color 7
Base 5
  • 72.034 Bone White
  • 72.045 Charred Brown
  • 72.057 Bright Bronze
  • 72.059 Hammered Copper
  • 72.061 Khaki
Extra opaque 2
  • 72.149 Heavy Khaki
  • 72.155 Heavy Charcoal
Vallejo Hobby Spray Paint
Base 2
  • 28.011 Grey
  • 28.031 Gunmetal
Vallejo Model Air
Base 1
  • 71.072 Gunmetal Metallic
Vallejo Model Color
Base 1
  • 70.950 Black
Vallejo Model Wash
Base 2
  • 76.506 Rust
  • 76.507 Dark Rust
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