Sector Mechanicus Deckplates

Sector Mechanicus Deckplates

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  • Published
    02 Jan 2020
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  1. Prime with Uniform Grey
  2. Spray Gunmetal on the top of the deck to basecoat the techy parts on the inside of the grid
  3. Paint the bottom, the sides and the grid on top with Heavy Khaki
  4. Use Agrax Earthshade on the top of the deckplates including the techy parts, don't bother with the sides and the bottom
  5. Use Rust on the techy parts, while the wash is still wet add some areas of Dark Rust
  6. Give a heavy drybrush to the grid on top of the deckplates with Heavy Khaki , be careful not to hit the techy parts
  7. Clean up the sides of the deck with Heavy Khaki
  8. Sponge on Charred Brown
  9. Sponge on Cold Steel
  10. Apply a very soft drybrush of Bone White to all sides
Citadel Painting System
Shade 1
  • Agrax Earthshade
Formula P3
Metallic 1
  • Cold Steel
The Army Painter Warpaints
Spray 1
  • Uniform Grey
Vallejo Game Color 3
Base 2
  • 72.034 Bone White
  • 72.045 Charred Brown
Extra opaque 1
  • 72.149 Heavy Khaki
Vallejo Hobby Spray Paint
Base 1
  • 28.031 Gunmetal
Vallejo Model Wash
Base 2
  • 76.506 Rust
  • 76.507 Dark Rust
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