Undercoat with The Fang - This gives a good starting point for most of the base colours. If you don’t have this, any neutral tone will be fine, Grey Seer would be a suitable alternative
We are going to start by completing the cloak. We will be dry brushing some highlights onto the area so it's best to do this at the beginning to avoid dry brushing unwanted areas.
Base coat the cloak with Thunderhawk Blue . This paint has terrible coverage, so a few coats may be required to get a good even base. Using a larger brush can help.
Wash the cloak with a 2 : 2 : 1 ratio of Nuln Oil Lahmian Medium Drakenhof Nightshade - If you want a darker overall appearance then wash the area for a second time, after the first has dried. Give about 30 minutes for the first application to dry. Tip: Creating your wash in a paint well then covering it with damp kitchen paper will keep it useable.
Buff out any mistakes in the wash (pooling etc) with a medium-heavy drybrush of Thunderhawk Blue . If you have the dry version of the paint, use that here.
Lightly dry brush Fenrisian Grey over all the cloak, concentrating on detail, edges and any raised areas. Avoid recesses.
Thats the cloak done for now, but we will come back to it later.
Other base colours
Base coat the skin with Rakarth Flesh
Base coat cloth peices and material with Celestra Grey
Use Mechanicus Standard Grey to base coat the stone on the bottom, near the base.
Base coat the hair with Abaddon Black
Next, use some Incubi Darkness to base the shorts in.
Then use Jokaero Orange to base coat the belt and spider face mask - including the chelicerae (yes, i speak spider).
Base coat the blades, blade pommels, chaos symbol and the metal trim of the belt orb in Leadbelcher the handguards (of the sword) in Screaming Bell and the handles in Corvus Black . While you have Corvus Black also paint the spider like arm protrusions. It was here that I noticed one of my sword pommels had broken off. :(
Use Daemonette Hide to paint ?spider tentacles? and belt orb. Also, catch the places on the arms where purple is required.
Colour any spider spikes on the hood and arms with Rhinox Hide Blend, as best you can, the rear of the brown spider leg into the skin tones above. Try wet blending or thin lines to get the best transition you can.
Washes / Shading
- Skin: 2 : 2 : 1 Reikland Fleshshade : Lahmian Medium : Druchii Violet :
- Mask And Belt: Fuegan Orange
- Cloth/Material 1 : 1 mix of Biel-Tan Green Lahmian Medium
- All areas of weapons, belt orb and surround, mask tentacles, shorts, and brown areas, use Nuln Oil
Layers & Edge Highlights
Layer the skin with an equal mix of Ulthuan Grey and Slaanesh Grey avoid any recessed areas and build up the colour more on edges and raised areas.
Use Deepkin Flesh to do the same as above to the material (the white areas)
Edge highlight the brown areas with Doombull Brown
NOTE: This is a work in progress, I will be updating this tutorial as i paint the mini.