Predator Legion

Predator Legion

  • Written by
  • Published
    04 Apr 2022
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My take on the Predator Legion, one of the chapters lost in the Abyssal Crusade.

  1. Priming is done with Grey Seer
  2. Initially, I wash with Apothecary White over all the white panels.
  3. The metallic parts are basecoated with Leadbelcher , with Retributor Armour for the trim and Rhinox Hide for the leather.
  4. Any fur, flayed skin, or bone is based in Pallid Wych Flesh
  5. The bare skin is basecoated in Catachan Fleshtone
  6. The fur is given a coat of Gore-grunta Fur , flayed skin and flesh interchangeably with Guilliman Flesh , Darkoath Flesh and Fyreslayer Flesh , and bone with Skeleton Horde . Any gore is now given a coat of Flesh Tearers Red
  7. The trim, leather, bare skin and metal are shaded with Ratling Grime
  8. The skin is highlighted with Bloodreaver Flesh , the trim with Liberator Gold , metal with Runefang Steel and the leather with Baneblade Brown
  9. Extreme highlights on the skin are applied with Knight-questor Flesh
  10. The white panels are cleaned up with Ulthuan Grey
  11. The flames, along with any ghostly effects, are first given an all over coat of Tesseract Glow . Then, the darker parts are gone over with Hexwraith Flame , and finally Dark Angels Green
  12. The base is rimmed with Steel Legion Drab . AK Interactive Dry Ground is used on the base, with a mixture of tufts and rocks from Army Painter. The rocks and the ground are given a wash of Agrax Earthshade

Sean L


This is more a guide I can keep referring back to more than a thing I expect anyone else to actually use :P

Citadel Painting System 25
Base 5
  • Catachan Fleshtone
  • Leadbelcher
  • Retributor Armour
  • Rhinox Hide
  • Steel Legion Drab
Shade 1
  • Agrax Earthshade
Layer 7
  • Baneblade Brown
  • Bloodreaver Flesh
  • Knight-questor Flesh
  • Liberator Gold
  • Pallid Wych Flesh
  • Runefang Steel
  • Ulthuan Grey
Technical 1
  • Tesseract Glow
Spray 1
  • Grey Seer
Contrast 10
  • Apothecary White
  • Dark Angels Green
  • Darkoath Flesh
  • Flesh Tearers Red
  • Fyreslayer Flesh
  • Gore-grunta Fur
  • Guilliman Flesh
  • Hexwraith Flame
  • Ratling Grime
  • Skeleton Horde
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