
  • Written by
  • Published
    09 Apr 2022
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  1. Undercoat Zandri Dust


  1. Soft Tone / Lahmian Medium 50/50 wash
  2. Zandri Dust re-base coat (except for straps so they stand out)
  3. Zandri Dust / Vampiric Flesh Wet blend
  4. Vampiric Flesh Edge highlight (not Screaming Skull ??)
  5. Black Templar on visor/vents
  6. Mephiston Red symbol on visor


  1. Hull Red
  2. Flat Brown / White highlight


  1. German Camouflage Black Brown
  2. German Camouflage Black Brown / White edge highlight


  1. Hull Red
  2. German Camouflage Black Brown / White highlight

Armour Accents

Red panel

  1. Mephiston Red
  2. Evil Sunz Scarlet edge highlight
  3. Black Templar in recesses

White stripe

  1. White thinned to fill
  2. Black Templar for two edge lines


  1. Black Templar


  1. AK Dark Earth, with large divots for water (alternate is Stirland Battlemire / Stirland Mud )
  2. Gunship Green in the divots
  3. AK Still Water in divots (should self-level to edges)
  4. While Still Water is still wet, mix in small amounts of Gunship Green to blend

Non-painted Endor base:

  1. Add stick for log, coat in super glue and add AK realistic moft tufts to stick
  2. Add PVA to base areas
  3. Geek Gaming Scenics Grend Blend Foam Scatter
  4. Geek Gaming Scenics: Tree Canopy (cut/shape individuals to look like they're sticking up)
  5. Gamers grass Dry Green/Mixed Green (cut in halves for normal, cut in 4s for XL tufts)
AK Interactive 3rd Generation Acrylics 3
Standard 2
  • AK11057 Vampiric Flesh
  • AK11150 Gunship Green
Intense 1
  • AK11001 White
Citadel Painting System 9
Base 2
  • Mephiston Red
  • Zandri Dust
Layer 2
  • Evil Sunz Scarlet
  • Screaming Skull
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Texture 2
  • Stirland Battlemire
  • Stirland Mud
Spray 1
  • Zandri Dust
Contrast 1
  • Black Templar
The Army Painter Warpaints
Quickshade 1
  • Soft Tone
Vallejo Model Air
Base 1
  • 71.039 Hull Red
Vallejo Model Color
Base 2
  • 70.822 German Camouflage Black Brown
  • 70.984 Flat Brown
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