- Prime with Uniform Grey
- Basecoat with Terracotta
- Wash with Agrax Earthshade
- Apply a heavy drybrush of Terracotta
- Basecoat doors with Secret Weapon Tire Black
- Basecoat pipes, lamps. dials, vents and other techy stuff with Pig Iron
- Basecoat bronze plaques with Bright Bronze
- Basecoat cables with Mechanicus Standard Grey
- Wash all theses details with Agrax Earthshade
- Apply Nihilakh Oxide mixed with Lahmian Medium to the bronze plaques
- Highlight with basecoat colours if needed
- Wash the Pig Iron details with Rust and add some areas of Dark Rust
- Basecoat the dial faces and inner parts of the lamps with Morrow White
- Wash the dials faces with Agrax Earthshade
- Wash the inner parts of the lamps with Light Tone
- Wash the inner parts of the lamps with Agrax Earthshade Gloss
- Paint the hands of the dial faces with Black
- Sponge Charred Brown and Cold Steel onto the edges of the Terracotta walls
- Apply a very soft drybrush of Bone White to all sides
- Drybrush the destroyed edges with Charred Brown and Black on the edges