Tau Farsight Enclave

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  • Published
    05 Jan 2020
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Speed paint Tau project

  1. Primer AK180 Red by Airbrush
  2. Under Shadow Hull Red by Airbrush
  3. Zenithal Highlight Evil Sunz Scarlet by Airbrush
  4. Oil highlight 50/50 mix of ABT120 Red Primer & ABT020 Faded Dark Yellow
  5. Mechanical parts, weapons and insignias are based with AK Black Primer, then dry brushed with German Grey and Neutral Grey
  6. Stripes and leaders helmets are painted Wolf Grey followed by an overlay of Ulthuan Grey . Highlights with dry brushed White Scar are added. Lenses and visors are based following the same procedure.
  7. Small “buckles” details are painted with Brass Scorpion
  8. Apply a glaze layer of Flash Gitz Yellow over all the lenses and visors, followed by a glaze of Bloodletter
  9. Apply decals with microset and microsol
  10. Wait 24h for decals to completely set and colors to dry
  11. Apply overall wash with Ammo A1000 Brown wash for dark vehicles and remove the excess with cotton buds and white spirit
  12. Apply some White Scar with a sponge over the white parts
  13. Apply Rhinox Hide with a sponge over all the model except for the mechanical parts, in order to complete the weathered look.


Buried by the backlog. Speed painting, I invoke you, my last true Hope.

Citadel Painting System 7
Base 1
  • Rhinox Hide
Layer 4
  • Brass Scorpion
  • Evil Sunz Scarlet
  • Ulthuan Grey
  • White Scar
Glaze 1
  • Bloodletter
Air 1
  • Flash Gitz Yellow
Vallejo Game Color
Base 1
  • 72.047 Wolf Grey
Vallejo Model Color
Base 3
  • 70.985 Hull Red
  • 70.992 Neutral Grey
  • 70.995 German Grey
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