MCP Lizard

MCP Lizard

  • Written by
  • Published
    30 Mar 2023
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
  • Shareable URL

Painting MCP Lizard
Total Time Spent so far: 2hrs

Green Lizard Skin

  1. Malignant Green
  2. Militarum Green

Purple Paints

  1. Black + Deep Purple 50/50
  2. Deep Purple
  3. Deep Purple + Ice Yellow 70/30
  4. Deep Purple + Ice Yellow 50/50

Lab Coat

  1. VMC Dark Grey + VMC Light Grey 50/50
  2. VMC Light Grey
  3. VMC Light Grey + VMC Cold White 50/50
  4. VMC Cold White
  5. Liquitex Titanium White Ink dusted over


  1. VMC Black
  2. VMC Cold white
  3. AK Volcanic Yellow
  4. AK Deep Yellow
  5. VMC Cold white


  1. VGC Bronze Flesh + Deep Purple 50/50

Sewer Water

  1. 70894 Cam Olive Green
  2. Cam Olive Green + Livery Green
  3. Previous color+ Grey Blue
  4. Previous color + Cold White
  5. Airbrush Glaze: Vallejo Blue Wash, GW Green Wash, Glaze Medium, Flow Improver, Water 2:1:2:2:3
  6. UV Resin Painted over top and cured with UV light


  1. AK Tenebrous Grey + AK Black Red + AK Medium Rust
  2. VMC Orange Brown Dry Brush
  3. VGC Scrofulous Brown Dry Brush


  1. VGC Stonewall Grey
  2. GW Nuln Oil
  3. VGC Stonewall Grey + Dead White Dry Brush
  4. Weathering Powers (After clear coat)
AK Interactive 3rd Generation Acrylics
Intense 1
  • AK11074 Deep Purple
Citadel Painting System
Contrast 1
  • Militarum Green
The Army Painter Warpaints
Speedpaint 1
  • Malignant Green
Vallejo Model Color
Base 2
  • 70.858 Ice Yellow
  • 70.950 Black
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