Chief Librarian Tigurius

  • Written by
  • Published
    30 May 2023
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Table Ready

  1. Macragge Blue prime or basecoat.
  2. Cavalry Brown on soil, Dark Flesh Tone on rocks, Zandri Dust on skulls, Leadbelcher on metal cable, and Hammered Copper on spent casings on base.
  3. Sky Grey on inner cape, and symbols on right knee, chest, left shoulder pad, rune staff, and heraldry pole.
  4. Black on armor joints, belt, holster strap, and gauntlets/gloves.
  5. Clean up armor with Macragge Blue , then Black Wash into recesses.
  6. Hull Red on holster.
  7. Wine Red on outer cape.
  8. Wine Red & Hull Red mixed 2:1 for book cover.
  9. Rakarth Flesh on tabard and book pages.
  10. Aluminum Metallic & Hammered Copper mixed 2:1 for rune staff rod, including ring securing laurels.
  11. Lizard Green on rune staff laurel.
  12. Clear Orange on heraldry flames.
  13. Black on heraldry book and horned skull's hood, horns, and sockets.
  14. Dead Flesh on right shoulder pad parchment decor, purity seal parchment (including one on book), and heraldry parchment areas.
  15. Zandri Dust on rune staff & neck guard skulls, and on heraldry horned skull face.
  16. Yellow on body & head cables, right shoulder lightning bolts, and heraldry border.
  17. Black on rune staff, neck guard, & right shoulder pad skull horns, rune staff wrapping, head cable, and hazard stripes on yellow head cable.
  18. Leadbelcher on runestaff mechanism, belt container & chain links, keys & key ring, holster muzzle tip, body & arm cables (remember small cable under yellow body cable), backpack vents & side buttons, heraldry pole body, helmet ear pieces, and rear neck guard power nodules.
  19. Dwarven Gold on left leg decor, belt container, belt skull, chest skull & aquila, gloves decor, left shoulder pad skull, shoulder pads trim, and heraldry pole base and crossbar.
  20. Aluminum Metallic on glove knuckles and armor rivets.
  21. Mephiston Red on purity seal wax, head cables, arm cable, and rune stuff cable.
  22. Flat Flesh on face.


  1. Reikland Fleshshade on face and Dwarven Gold areas.
  2. Nuln Oil on rune staff laurel and Leadbelcher areas.
  3. Agrax Earthshade on Rakarth Flesh , Dead Flesh , and Zandri Dust areas. Lightly in cape recesses. Make sure shade gets into "TIGURIUS" in heraldry, and clean up surrounding parchment areas to make text clear.
  4. Black Wash into skull sockets on leg, belt, chest, gloves, shoulder pads, neck guard, and rune staff.


  1. Wine Red , Mephiston Red , Yellow , and White on neck guard lenses near skull.
  2. White on eyes and forehead lens, then cover with Frostheart .



AK Interactive 3rd Generation Acrylics
Standard 3
  • AK11044 Yellow
  • AK11096 Wine Red
  • AK11145 Lizard Green
Citadel Painting System 9
Base 5
  • Leadbelcher
  • Macragge Blue
  • Mephiston Red
  • Rakarth Flesh
  • Zandri Dust
Shade 3
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
  • Reikland Fleshshade
Contrast 1
  • Frostheart
Scale75 Scalecolor
Metal n' Alchemy 1
  • SC-73 Dwarven Gold
Vallejo Game Color 4
Base 3
  • 72.035 Dead Flesh
  • 72.044 Dark Flesh Tone
  • 72.059 Hammered Copper
Wash 1
  • 72.201 Black Wash
Vallejo Model Air
Base 1
  • 71.062 Aluminum Metallic
Vallejo Model Color
Base 7
  • 70.950 Black
  • 70.951 White
  • 70.955 Flat Flesh
  • 70.956 Clear Orange
  • 70.982 Cavalry Brown
  • 70.985 Hull Red
  • 70.989 Sky Grey
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