Nurglings Attack Squad

  • Written by
  • Published
    11 Jul 2023
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
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  1. Death Guard Green Prime all models
  2. Agrax Earthshade Shade all Models
  3. Nurgling Green Dry brush all models
  4. Armour trim and chainmail Iron Warriors Base then Agrax Earthshade Shade over top Typhus Corrosion add to cracks and corners add Ryza Rust on top of typhus
  5. Weapons and armour accessories a Corvus Black body with Leadbelcher handles and muzzles Shade with Nuln Oil secondary colour Hashut Copper base shade with Agrax Earthshade then add Nihilakh Oxide to cracks and corners
  6. Cloth Xereus Purple shade with Targor Rageshade
  7. Guts Flayed One Flesh base then wet blend of Contrast Medium Magos Purple and Volupus Pink
  8. Horns Rakarth Flesh base the shade with Targor Rageshade
  9. Teeth Wraithbone base then 1:1 mix Contrast Medium and Skeleton Horde
  10. Grenades, Toxic pipes and toxins Deepkin Flesh base then Tesseract Glow secondary colour Fulgrim Pink with 1:1 Contrast Medium and Doomfire Magenta
  11. Goggle lenses Wazdakka Red exposed eyes White Scar base with Blood For The Blood God drips
  12. Bases Stirland Battlemire Nurgles Rot Blood For The Blood God Add extra skulls where required Cut tufts smaller and add where required, splatter with rot and blood
  13. Add decals to Blight Hauler and Rhino


  1. Nurglings in 3 variations; 1. SKIN Nurgling Green shade with Biel-Tan Green HORNS Sotek Green 2. SKIN Kislev Flesh shade with Reikland Fleshshade HORNS Dark Reaper 3. SKIN Dechala Lilac shade with Druchii Violet HORNS Naggaroth Night EYES White Scar base Flash Gitz Yellow TEETH Wraithbone base with Skeleton Horde GUTS Flayed One Flesh base then variants of Magos Purple and Volupus Pink