Red Cloth

Red Cloth

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  • Published
    03 Mar 2020
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A deep warm red cloth.

Red Cloth

  1. Khorne Red Doombull Brown 1:1 Basecoat
  2. Khorne Red Abaddon Black 1:1 Deep shade focussing on the very deepest recesses
  3. Agrax Earthshade Wash
  4. Evil Sunz Scarlet Highlight
  5. Squig Orange Highlight
  6. Ungor Flesh Extreme/Spot Highlight

Optional Step

  1. Bloodletter or Flesh Tearers Red Lahmian Medium 1:2 Glaze

Some times when painting red you lose a lot of saturation as you highlight up. To bring back some of the vibrancy you can thinly glaze Bloodletter or Flesh Tearers Red Contrast paint over the cloth.

Starred by cloverfox



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Citadel Painting System 10
Base 2
  • Abaddon Black
  • Khorne Red
Shade 1
  • Agrax Earthshade
Layer 4
  • Doombull Brown
  • Evil Sunz Scarlet
  • Squig Orange
  • Ungor Flesh
Glaze 1
  • Bloodletter
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Contrast 1
  • Flesh Tearers Red
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