
  • Written by
  • Published
    30 Sep 2024
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How I paint generic Skaven skin and fur

Torn Flesh/Skin

  1. 1:1 Mix of Deep Purple and Burnt Red
  2. Take Bugman's Glow and mix in some of the base paint to layer the flesh.
  3. Add some of the above paint into Luminous Flesh for a lightlight
  4. Heavily water down Wine Red and glaze into the the fur


  1. Use Burnt Red for all the fur.
  2. Take Stormvermin Fur and mix in a bit of Burnt Red , layer the fur, leave just the deepest recesses.
  3. Mix Stormvermin Fur with some Pallid Wych Flesh and highlight the fur.


  1. Take Cadian Fleshtone and mix in some Burnt Red and Stormvermin Fur and layer whole face leaving small amount of Burnt Red
  2. Mix Light Flesh into Cadian Fleshtone to highlight.
  3. Take very watered down Dark Magenta and add under eyes, around mouth and on nose to give some colour


  1. Using the Zentithal as a guide, base the dark areas Dark Sea Blue and the lighter areas in Karak Stone Blend them toegther while they are wet.
  2. Wash in some Black Templar into the recesses.
  3. Highlight with Karak Stone , use same colour to add some scratches.


  1. Base in Dark Magenta
  2. Layer with Cadian Fleshtone
  3. Highlight with Light Flesh


  1. Base Metals in Chain Mail Silver
  2. Base Bronze in Old Copper
  3. Wash all in a black wash like Black Wash aim for the deep recesses
  4. Wash all in a brown wash Brown Wash , around rivets and in corners.
  5. Stipple highlight the Bronze with Pure Copper
  6. Create a wash with watered down Aquatic Turquoise and apply to Bronze rivets.
  7. Create a wash with watered down Light Rust and apply sto rivets, scratches and places rust would accumalate.
  8. Do a final edge Bronze highlight of Moonstone Alchemy
  9. Do a Final edge Metal highlight of Silver

Dirty Bone

  1. Base in Burnt Umber
  2. Mix in Gobi Brown and rough strokes/stipple into more raised area. Keep adding
  3. Add a light off white like Green-Grey and continue strokes/stipple



Paint Pad supporter

AK Interactive 3rd Generation Acrylics 10
Standard 9
  • AK11050 Light Flesh
  • AK11051 Luminous Flesh
  • AK11096 Wine Red
  • AK11097 Burnt Red
  • AK11105 Light Rust
  • AK11111 Burnt Umber
  • AK11132 Green-Grey
  • AK11170 Aquatic Turquoise
  • AK11190 Dark Sea Blue
Intense 1
  • AK11074 Deep Purple
Citadel Painting System 6
Base 1
  • Bugman's Glow
Layer 4
  • Cadian Fleshtone
  • Karak Stone
  • Pallid Wych Flesh
  • Stormvermin Fur
Contrast 1
  • Black Templar
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl 3
Signature Series: Ninjon 1
  • S10 Dark Magenta
Wash 2
  • 200 Black Wash
  • 201 Brown Wash
Scale75 Scalecolor 4
Scalecolor 1
  • SC-12 Gobi Brown
Metal n' Alchemy 3
  • SC-88 Old Copper
  • SC-91 Pure Copper
  • SC-94 Moonstone Alchemy
Vallejo Game Color
Base 1
  • 72.053 Chain Mail Silver
Vallejo Model Color
Metallic 1
  • 70.997 Silver
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