How I paint generic Skaven skin and fur
Torn Flesh/Skin
- 1:1 Mix of Deep Purple and Burnt Red
- Take Bugman's Glow and mix in some of the base paint to layer the flesh.
- Add some of the above paint into Luminous Flesh for a lightlight
- Heavily water down Wine Red and glaze into the the fur
- Use Burnt Red for all the fur.
- Take Stormvermin Fur and mix in a bit of Burnt Red , layer the fur, leave just the deepest recesses.
- Mix Stormvermin Fur with some Pallid Wych Flesh and highlight the fur.
- Take Cadian Fleshtone and mix in some Burnt Red and Stormvermin Fur and layer whole face leaving small amount of Burnt Red
- Mix Light Flesh into Cadian Fleshtone to highlight.
- Take very watered down Dark Magenta and add under eyes, around mouth and on nose to give some colour
- Using the Zentithal as a guide, base the dark areas Dark Sea Blue and the lighter areas in Karak Stone Blend them toegther while they are wet.
- Wash in some Black Templar into the recesses.
- Highlight with Karak Stone , use same colour to add some scratches.
- Base in Dark Magenta
- Layer with Cadian Fleshtone
- Highlight with Light Flesh
- Base Metals in Chain Mail Silver
- Base Bronze in Old Copper
- Wash all in a black wash like Black Wash aim for the deep recesses
- Wash all in a brown wash Brown Wash , around rivets and in corners.
- Stipple highlight the Bronze with Pure Copper
- Create a wash with watered down Aquatic Turquoise and apply to Bronze rivets.
- Create a wash with watered down Light Rust and apply sto rivets, scratches and places rust would accumalate.
- Do a final edge Bronze highlight of Moonstone Alchemy
- Do a Final edge Metal highlight of Silver
Dirty Bone
- Base in Burnt Umber
- Mix in Gobi Brown and rough strokes/stipple into more raised area. Keep adding
- Add a light off white like Green-Grey and continue strokes/stipple