Adapted from Cult of Paint
- Spray Chaos Black
- Stipple all armor in increasingly lighter mix of Steel Legion Drab (replace with British Khaki ) and Karak Stone (add some scratches too)
- Wash in Raw Umber , after 15min clean up the highest surfaces (like helmet, shoulder pads), add small pinwash with same oil wash to some deeper sections
- Edge highlight with Karak Stone
- Cloth in Black and highlight in Eshin Grey
- Leather in Rhinox Hide with Mournfang Brown highlights
- Backpack, face masks and other metal parts in Exhaust Manifold with Ratling Grime wash
- Grenades and other metal parts in Decayed Metal
- <some other details like glow>
- AK Desert Soil sand and stone mix on the ground
- Mix sandy AK liquid enamel pigments with some black charred dots