Sons of medusa

Sons of medusa

  • Written by
  • Published
    28 Nov 2024
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
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Green power armor

  1. Prime grey
  2. Base coat. Airbrush Army painters warpaint fanatic angel green over the whole model. 20psi. 2/1 with airbrush thinner. Make sure to cover shadow areas as the green will be the darkest color
  3. Zenithal. Airbrush Daler Rowney Fw light green ink over whole model. 16psi no thinner is necessary. Two coats should be a good coverage. Also can do a third coat as high light spots on points that would have more light hitting the areas.
  4. Base coat ivory. Using AK Ivory - AK11004. Paint aqulias and other markings. The helmet/head I would keep off the model and airbrush them.
  5. Gloss varnish model and helmet/heads.
  6. Pinwash. Ak Dark Brown Wash - AK045. Use on the green and ivory parts of the model. Clean up and mistakes with odorless thinner.
  7. Chipping. Use a sponge with Citadel Rhinox hide. Over the green amor and ivory parts
  8. Chip/highlight green power armor. Use a 50/50 mix of AK Ivory and Citadel moot green. Matt varnish the whole model for paint all the other details on the model

Once the whole model is done matt varnish the whole model to tie it together. Ammo mig matt lucky varnish through the are brush at 17psi. 3 coats with minimum 5mins dry time.