Tale of Painters Alpha Legion (Heresy Era)


Tale of Painters Alpha Legion (Heresy Era)

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  • Published
    02 Dec 2024
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Recipe from Tale of Painters Stahly for Heresy Era Alpha Legion. I'm making an entry here for ease of organization/reference. Original can be found here. https://taleofpainters.com/2022/07/tutorial-how-to-paint-alpha-legion-armour-heresy-era/


Prime model in silver. Midtone would probably be best, but darker steel or gunmetal might help with shadows/recesses.


  1. Basecoat the armour with Shining Silver . If you don’t have an airbrush, you can also apply the regular Shining Silver version [or Stormhost Silver ].
  2. Next, basecoat the armour with Azure Magic . This might take three thinned coats.
  3. Tidy up the trims with Shining Silver [or Stormhost Silver ].
  4. Create a mix of Dark Tone , :Bluestone, and Speedpaint Medium in a ratio of about 1:1:2, and apply it all over the armour and trims. The new formula Drakenhof Nightshade would also work very well for this.
  5. If you find that certain areas didn’t receive a deep enough shading, paint Cloudburst Blue [or Leviadon Blue ] directly into the recesses where needed.
  6. In case the wash left some unwanted pooling on the teal areas, mix about 8 parts of Azure Magic with a little bit of Night Scales and paint it over any uneven areas.
  7. Carefully drybrush both the armour and trims with Shining Silver [or Stormhost Silver ] with a soft makeup brush, concentrating on the edges of the armour.
  8. Thin Plasmatic Bolt 1:1 with Speedpaint Medium [or use pure Aethermatic Blue] and paint it all over the teal areas to knock down the Shining Silver highlights.


When painting vehicles, applying an all-over wash will result in a blotchy finish. Instead, add a little bit of Night Scales to your Azure Magic like in step 6 to match the armour colour of your Marines, and use it to basecoat the vehicle (it might be a good idea to create some more of this mix and save it in a spare bottle or pot to keep your army consistent). Then, use pure Cloudburst Blue Speedpaint [or Leviadon Blue] with a little bit of Speedpaint Medium [or Contrast Medium] and apply it directly into the recesses for shading. Then, complete the effect by drybrushing the armour with Shining Silver with a little bit of Azure Magic mixed in.


Hobby enthusiast. Husky owner. Salty old man.

Citadel Painting System 3
Shade 1
  • Drakenhof Nightshade
Layer 1
  • Stormhost Silver
Contrast 1
  • Leviadon Blue
The Army Painter Speedpaint 2.0
Speedpaint 3
  • Cloudburst Blue
  • Plasmatic Bolt
  • Speedpaint Medium
The Army Painter Warpaints 4
Metallic 3
  • Azure Magic
  • Night Scales
  • Shining Silver
Wash 1
  • Dark Tone
The Army Painter Warpaints Air
Metallics 1
  • Shining Silver
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