Tale of Painters Orange Plasma Glow


Tale of Painters Orange Plasma Glow

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  • Published
    02 Dec 2024
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How to paint orange plasma glow tutorial. Original from Tale of Painters Stahly. Original article can be found here.https://taleofpainters.com/2021/03/tutorial-how-to-paint-an-inverted-super-hot-plasma-glow/

The plasma glow was painted as explained in this tutorial, instead of turquoise I just used Lugganath Orange, Fire Dragon Bright, and Troll Slayer Orange.

  1. Basecoat the plasma coils with Baharroth Blue by applying a few thin coats of paint.
  2. Mix Vallejo Model Color White [or White Scar or any white you prefer] with Contrast Medium about 1:2 to create a wash and use it to recess shade the lower two-thirds of each side.
  3. Once dry, create a gradient by applying a second coat of the white wash towards the bottom, concentrating on the lower half of the plasma coils.
  4. Pick out the cooling ribs of the coils with Baharroth Blue. It’s essential to thin your paint and use multiple thin layers for a smooth finish. You can also use thinned Baharroth Blue to smooth the transition towards the white glow where needed.
  5. Highlight the ribs with Formula P3 Arcane Blue [Baharroth Blue mixed with Ahriman Blue]. Concentrate on the upper parts of the coils and leave a little bit of the Baharroth Blue layer from the step before visible.
  6. Highlight only the upper third of the ribs with VGC Falcon Turquoise [Ahriman Blue], leaving some of the Arcane Blue layer visible.
  7. Glaze the weapon casing around the plasma coils with multiple coats of Stegadon Scale Green thinned to a milk-like consistency. If your weapon isn’t black, mix the colour of your casing with Falcon Turquoise [Ahriman Blue] and use it as glaze instead.
  8. Mix Stegadon Scale Green (or your glaze colour) with Falcon Turquoise [Ahriman Blue] and apply an edge highlight around the plasma coils. Add a highlight of pure Falcon Turquoise [Ahriman Blue] around the whitest areas.
  9. Apply a dot of The Army Painter Warpaints Toxic Mist [Baharroth Blue mixed with white] on the edges of the cooling ribs to create a reflection.

Starred by Anex and Duckwingr


Hobby enthusiast. Husky owner. Salty old man.