- Undercoat with Mr.Surfacer 1500
- Basecoat with Creed Camo contrast
- Drybrush Graphite
- Drybrush Screaming Skull
- Drybrush Pallid Wych Flesh
- Basecoat Wyldwood contrast
- Drybrush Parasite Brown
- Drybrush Morghast Bone
- Very light drybrush Screaming Skull only on most accessible areas
- Moss effect with Plaguebearer Flesh
Light/Chopped wood
- Basecoat Snakebite Leather
- Drybrush Morghast Bone
- Drybrush Screaming Skull
- Very light drybrush Pallid Wych Flesh
- Basecoat Enchanted Steel
- Rust effect :72.608: Vallejo Game FX Corrosion
- Drybrush Silver
- Rust efect Vallejo pigment Old Rust
- Basecoat Skeleton Horde
- Drybrush Screaming Skull
- Maybe drybrush Pallid Wych Flesh