Sister of battle
- Basecoat Chaos Black and then zenithal White Scar
Bonewhite armour
- Cover all with Skeleton Horde
- Chunky higlights with Bone White mixed with Skeleton Horde
- Shade in recesses, gaps etc. with Reikland Fleshshade
- Final highlights with pure Bone White
Red Coat
- Cover all with Blood Angels Red
- Chunky higlight with Basic Skin Tone
- Fine higlights with Elf Skin Tone
- Cover all with dilluted Blood Angels Red
Gold parts
- Cover all with Iyanden Yellow
- Higlights with Flash Gitz Yellow
- Fine higlghts with Off White
- Cover all with Iyanden Yellow
- Some selective shading with Nazdreg Yellow
- Fine highlight with Off White